
The first step in applying for Obamacare is to decide how you want to proceed with your quote and application. Apply Online:

If your entire family earns less than $230 a week you may want to shop with our partners to view other options.

*NOTICE: You will need to have a free consultation if you want personal assistance in determining your Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) rate and subsidy. It is estimated that 57% of Americans will be eligible for a reduced health insurance rate. Our FFM Certified staff can assist you with this process and assure you receive your entitled subsidy.
Apply for Obamacare by Phone: If you want to save as much money and time as possible you will need to speak with a Certified Agent to check your eligibility for a federally subsidized rate. This option will save you the most money.
Before speaking with a FFM Certified Agent (a free service) you will want to know some basic information:

  • How many members of your household will need health insurance?
  • Approximate monthly income or Annual Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) for your household?
  • Once you have this information you should call us so our live FFM customer support line can implement the subsidy to determine your lower rates. Once this happens we can email you quotes from all the health insurance carriers in your area.

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