Category Archives: F.A.Q

Obamacare: Insurers must collect Social Security Numbers

Beginning this year, health insurance carriers have to send the Internal Revenue Service information about health plan members and their insurance coverage, including their Social Security number or other tax identification number. It’s one of the requirements of the Affordable Care Act / ACA.

The Obamacare law requires that everyone have qualifying insurance, qualify for an exemption, or potentially pay a tax penalty. The IRS will cross check the applicant information in tax returns against the information health insurers are required to submit for every person they cover. This IRS review will confirm that individuals have the required coverage and don’t have to pay a tax penalty.

My Experience with North Carolina Obamacare

My Experience with Obamacare

I live in rural northern North Carolina and have not had a stellar experience with Obamacare. Rather, I am a model for a person who is “in the gap,” and confused by the entire system.First, I will say that it is easy to see how some people benefit from Obamacare. The poor, who loose sleep at night because they live without insurance, do have a new opportunity use the medical system. I am also one of those poor, but I’ve always considered a healthy diet and exercise the best medical plan. Let me explain.From 2008 through 2011, I saw a 32% yearly increase in my individual health insurance rates. I purchased my moderately-high-deductible plan through Blue Cross of NC. In those four calendar years I saw my doctor exactly twice. Once was for a blood panel, the other for Whooping Cough that I contracted at work. My local doctor traded music lessons for his kids for the treatments, so insurance didn’t even play a part. My insurance premiums approached one week’s salary each month, so I dropped the policy.

By mandate, I signed-up at my state’s health exchange. I had to consult with a private representative from the closest city (80 miles away), because I didn’t know about applying for Obamacare online. In order to even be eligible for the first year’s federal subsidy, I had to “project” a higher income just to make the bottom tier on the income scale. My state’s exchange uses Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, which is the company I dropped. My monthly premium (male, 30s, and single), was $220/month for the Silver Plan. Thank goodness, I received a full subsidy.

The second year on Obamacare however, changed. My income did not increase, so I had to project higher once more. The federal subsidy was the same, but my policy premium increased $20, to $240. I contacted both the federal exchange and Blue Cross. Each agency told me that the increase was due to something different in the opposite agency’s system. Surprise, they are not allowed access to each others’ records in order to help me understand the increase. I have not been to the doctor since 2010, I am now paying $20/month for something I don’t use, and again waiting for the next huge increase due to age. This time, I will not be able to make the decision to drop the policy.

Without discussing the condition of the US economy, I will state plainly that I cannot afford a mandated premium, even if it’s just $20. Believe it or not, that money comes from my grocery budget, and sometimes the rent. I am glad more needy people are finding minimal help through Obamacare, but no choice remains in the system at all.

The sad part is if I lived one county over I could had gotten United Healthcare like my cousin has, and that one is better priced and does not have the limited network like BCBS NC has.

Obamacare is Working for My Family

How the Affordable Care Act Helped My Family

My family and I live in the state of Texas. My husband spent much of his life working. Then one day the company calls. tells him not to come in. Ten years he spent there and he got laid off just like that. My husband tried to find some work, but he was not able to. What didn’t help was his experience level. He was too qualified for a lot of things, so they just turned him down. This all happened about two years ago.I was a stay-at-home mom, up until pretty recently. I had to go back to work. My husband couldn’t find a job. Our savings were going out the window. About a year ago, I came across this Obamacare thing. I had read about in the news. Some friends of mine also were talking about. I always heard how good it was supposed to be. I had heard that Obama was supposed to be looking out for us little people.

With barely two cents to our name I began the process. I told my husband we really didn’t have a choice. Soon after he lost his job, he started having issues with his heart. My husband has always been as healthy as a horse. Due to the stress of losing his job and not being able to find another one, his heart was acting up.

I looked on the computer for some options. I read up on the Obamacare plans and looked at what was out there. A lot of them were pretty expensive, even for those which were considered to be dirt cheap. I did find something under the Affordable Care Act umbrella. I also looked at governmental funding. We needed help in the worst way.

You always hear about the government supposedly looking out for you. It was time for them to put their money where their mouth was.

I started making some calls. I spoke to a few nice people. Some of them did give me the run around. What do you expect, it’s the government for you. After calling the Obamacare phone number I finally made some headway with a woman named Kammy.

She helped me to find something. She was someone who actually was interested, not like others who only pretend to be interested. My husband and I got some assistance.

Now it’s two years later. We still have the program. We pay about $80 a month for it. I still have my job. My husband finally got something part-time. The Affordable Care Act is a blessing. Neither of our jobs pay any insurance, so we are grateful for the ObamaCare.

We get routine checkups, and so do our kids. Our premiums actually went down a bit. There are a few things about the plan I am not a fan of, but we are not complaining. Compared to where we were two years ago, we are much better off.

Even if you just get the insurance for a few months, I recommend giving it a try. Compared to the other plans out there, this one is much cheaper.

My Obamacare Experience


I applied for healthcare last year. I was in a bad state healthcare wise. I still am to a certain extent.

I used to have some okay healthcare insurance when I lived up in PA. I had it through my corporate job. It really wasn’t much to write home about. Still it was something. About two years back I left my job and began a position working as a freelance at home. Which is something I still do. I love it, though I am still broke, for the most part.

About a year and half ago I moved down to Florida. It was during this time I had heard about the Obamacare thing. I heard that I needed to sign up for it. This was back in March of 2014. I felt as though I needed to take action. Why? Well, I needed to get my eyes checked out. I knew I needed insurance to do it. I went online and began my search for some healthcare.

I am in a position of poverty. I need/needed something which was not going to cost me a lot of money. I basically needed something dirt cheap. I went online and started looking. I found something through United HealthCare. My sister has used it before. She couldn’t stop raving about it. The kind I was looking at was listed under the Obamacare umbrella. I found there are many branches of United Healthcare. I found something called United Healthcare One, or something like that.

I looked over some of the prices and found a really good fit. It would cost me $37.16 a month to have the coverage. This fit my perfectly, especially since I had an eye appointment I needed to keep.

My eyes had not been checked in few years. They needed it. I talked to a specialist about the plan. The guy was very nice. I no longer have the plan. I had to stop it after 6 months. I stopped it because the payments were too high, even for $37. When you live on the poverty line, you have to really watch your money. You have to be very careful what you spend your money on. Do I need health insurance? Yes. Can I still afford to keep it right now? No.

The one thing I learned about this plan was timing and the worth. This plan has a lot of good qualities to it. You get what you pay for with it. If you are going to invest so little, you are going to get that in return. I had offices turning me away because they don’t take this type of plan anymore.

When I do get health coverage again, I will look for a better quality program. It was beneficial to get the eye exam for my eyes. Outside of that, the program was not really that great. There were too many problems. There were too many offices turning me down. The next time I get it, I will invest in something much more beneficial.

Applying for Health Insurance is Easy with Obamacare

Finding healthcare insurance can be an extremely stressful task to complete because you have to do all the research and you get dozens of calls day by day with people trying to give you quotes that are way too high for your price range. Applying for health insurance is a lot easier to do through Obamacare. It gives you all the details that you need to fill out, and it will take you to the place that you need to go to look at different prices with different companies.

When you start the application process it will take you through your personal information. It will ask you for your name, date of birth, social security number, and other basic information. The application process will also take you through your household life so they can determine if you and anyone else in your household needs insurance. You can keep going if none of the information applies to you but you would need to put that you are single. If there are other people living with you, it will take you to their information. The process will continue with you putting in their date of birth, social security number, and more.

Now you are one step closer to choosing the right plan for your budget and would need to fill out employment information for you and if you have anyone else in your household that’s employed. This will help them determine whether or not you could be eligible for a tax credit. When all of your information has been successfully submitted, you will look through everything to make sure it is correct, and you will electronically sign your name saying that you did not provide any false information. Once the application has been submitted with your signature, you will find out right away if you received some help to pay for your insurance.

The next page will take you to a list of all the different health insurance companies. It will show you the price it will cost you per month, the deductible, and the benefits of the plan such as the co-pays. The great thing about Obamacare is that you can apply for the health insurance of your choice right on the website so you will not be receiving any annoying calls from health insurance agents. Also it will categorize the list for you so you can look at the cheaper or most expensive options first or you can categorize it by the health insurance itself.

There are many people who are not great with computers so their is an Obamacare help line where you can call, and they will complete the application with you over the phone. If you are applying for healthcare and it is not during open enrollment, then you must have a life event. Life events include becoming recently married, moving, or having a baby. It is very important to be open and honest through the process so you can get the best deal at a price that is right for you.

Obamacare Health Insurance Overview

The Affordable Care Act – also known as “Obamacare” – has become one of President Barack Obama’s most defining moments The health care act, which was signed into law in March of 2010, was Obama’s attempt at making healthcare more affordable for many Americans.

In order to fully understand Obamacare it is important to identify different components of the law. The primary foundation of the law concerns expanding access to and the affordability of health insurance. The act rests upon the assumption that millions of Americans are unable to receive adequate health insurance.

One way that Obamacare expands coverage is by offering official health insurance through the federal government. For the approximate 15% of Americans who are uninsured and who may have been previously unable to receive insurance, this aspect of Obamacare is essential. During open enrollment Americans can visit Application for Obamacare and browse different health insurance plans. The website allows users to receive price quotes based on a variety of factors including income and household size.

Obamacare Tax Penalties

An aspect of the law that has caused confusion is an individual mandate that stipulates that Americans who fail to purchase health insurance must pay a penalty in the form of a tax. According to, the penalty for remaining uninsured will be calculated in two different ways in 2014. The greater of the following will be issued as the penalty by the IRS:

  1. 1% of your yearly household income
  2. $95 per adult for the year and $47.50 per child for the year

When is Open Enrollment for Obamacare?

It is important to note that Americans can only enroll in Obamacare during open enrollment in the health insurance marketplace. For 2014 the open enrollment term has already ended. For 2015, in order to avoid penalization, uninsured Americans must enroll between November 15, 2014 and February 15, 2015.

Fortunately, there are a few exceptions to the open enrollment rule for those experiencing crisis or emergency situations. For example, there are “qualifying life events” that allow uninsured citizens to enroll in health insurance under Obamacare outside of the dates above. These life events can include moving to a new state, changes in income such as losing a job, and changes within the family.

In addition to life event exemptions, the Affordable Care Act allows certain hardship exemptions for those who are in dire need of health insurance. Qualifying hardships include homelessness, bankruptcy, victims of domestic violence, and the cancelling of your previous individual insurance plan. Furthermore, if your state did not expand eligibility for Medicaid as the federal law mandated, you are eligible for insurance outside of the enrollment marketplace.

Obamacare’s mission is to provide affordable health insurance to an uninsured population. While the law has experienced its fair share of conflicts, mandates and exemptions within the law stay true to the mission: expanding access to and affordability of health insurance to millions of uninsured Americans.

How I applied for Obamacare Insurance

My Obamacare Experience and How I Applied For Obamacare.

I signed up for Obamacare using the website. They only required me to answer a handful of questions before they showed me a list of available plans that I could choose from. Once I decided on a specific plan to go with, I then had to create my account and answer a more in depth series of questions. The questions involved during the application process included personal information on all of our family members, as well as our occupational information. Even more so, I had to list any prescriptions we had to take and tell the FFM my meds for allergies to make sure the drugs was covered. Plus, we had to describe our current living situation.

My Family Situation and why Obamacare Worked for Me

We have a medium sized household including myself age 26, my husband age 33, and our two children age 8 and 1. My husband works a good forty hours per week but gets laid off in the winter, meanwhile I work from home doing freelance work. Neither one of our occupations offers health care so we had no other choice but to choose Obamacare for our health care needs. Our annual household income ranges between $45,000 to $50,000 depending on overtime and additional work. With the Obamacare application this income was a good fit.

Even more so, we live in a single family, slab home in a decent family-friendly neighborhood. In our household we have one person who suffers from epilepsy and general outdoor allergies, one who suffers from ADHD and Food Allergies, and then myself who has OCD, Food Allergies, and experiences chronic daily migraines. Each of us have to take prescription medications and go to the doctors on a regular basis for testing and checkups.

Our Obamacare Health Plan

We decided to go with the Human Connect Basic Plan by Humana INC., because it was the best option available for our particular budget. Our plan costs us approximately $151.00 per month with a deductible of $6,350.00 per individual. Our plan also has a $35.00 co-pay before a deductible, but there is no co-pay after the deductible. We have a limited list of doctors, physicians, and walk-in clinics that we can choose from. Fortunately, we were able to get federal subsidy, so we save a ton of money.

My Opinion Of Our Insurance Plan

I am very thankful that we were able to get some kind of coverage for our family. I wish that we could afford to get even more medical coverage outside of Obamacare. I feel like it’s great to get the hand out money but I’m not used to getting government hand outs. It is good to finally get more coverage, as well as have more options on which doctors, hospitals, and physicians we can go to. I do truly like our health care plan because I feel that our deductible is fair and our monthly premium is not too high. The Obamacare health plans are a good value.

Is Obamcare Insurance Working?

Obamacare experience has mostly been positive.
Note: This story was researched using the Affordable Care Act website as background, while also viewing a TV interviews with a Care Act patients.

When it comes to the “Affordable Care Act,” that is also nicknamed “Obamacare Insurance,” the prognosis is very good, say those without health insurance who now are being treated by a doctor. Also, a new Affordable Care Act patient commented online about “my Obamacare experience being super” because “I now have the patient’s bill of rights that protects my health.” The patient applied for this new health care insurance at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website. The patient lives in Georgia with a wife and three children.

About Obamacare Insurance

According to the Affordable Care Act website, the goal of the law is to put consumers back in charge of their health care.
In turn, the coverage includes:

– Ending any pre-existing condition exclusions for children
– Keeps young adults covered if they are under age 26, and are eligible to be covered under their parents health plan
– Ends arbitrary withdrawals of commercial health insurance coverage
– Gives patients the guaranteed right to appeal
– Changes lifetime limits on coverage
– Ensures premium increases are justified
– Allows patients to get the most from their health insurance premium dollars
– Offers preventive care at no out of pocket cost
– Ensures that a patient’s doctor choice is protected
– Features true emergency services, while removing insurance barriers for seeking emergency care at hospitals outside the patient’s health plan network

In general, the new Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare” is about helping people who could not afford health insurance in the past.

Obamacare patient overview

There are many interesting patient success stories online about people without health insurance now feeling better because they signed up for Obamacare. For instance, a family in Atlanta, GA was able to sign up with Humana with little problem. The family was also able to get a federal subsidy for signing up with the Affordable Care Act because their overall earnings for last year were well below the national poverty line. George and Marie S. of Atlanta told a local TV station that they only had to pay $37 per month to cover both themselves and their three children.

When asked if they ever used a health plan before,  George said no because “we could not afford health insurance.” In turn, they are thrilled with their new health insurance plan because “we can now afford to get care,” commented George on a local Atlanta TV news program.