My Obamacare Experience and How I Applied For Obamacare.
I signed up for Obamacare using the website. They only required me to answer a handful of questions before they showed me a list of available plans that I could choose from. Once I decided on a specific plan to go with, I then had to create my account and answer a more in depth series of questions. The questions involved during the application process included personal information on all of our family members, as well as our occupational information. Even more so, I had to list any prescriptions we had to take and tell the FFM my meds for allergies to make sure the drugs was covered. Plus, we had to describe our current living situation.
My Family Situation and why Obamacare Worked for Me
We have a medium sized household including myself age 26, my husband age 33, and our two children age 8 and 1. My husband works a good forty hours per week but gets laid off in the winter, meanwhile I work from home doing freelance work. Neither one of our occupations offers health care so we had no other choice but to choose Obamacare for our health care needs. Our annual household income ranges between $45,000 to $50,000 depending on overtime and additional work. With the Obamacare application this income was a good fit.
Even more so, we live in a single family, slab home in a decent family-friendly neighborhood. In our household we have one person who suffers from epilepsy and general outdoor allergies, one who suffers from ADHD and Food Allergies, and then myself who has OCD, Food Allergies, and experiences chronic daily migraines. Each of us have to take prescription medications and go to the doctors on a regular basis for testing and checkups.
Our Obamacare Health Plan
We decided to go with the Human Connect Basic Plan by Humana INC., because it was the best option available for our particular budget. Our plan costs us approximately $151.00 per month with a deductible of $6,350.00 per individual. Our plan also has a $35.00 co-pay before a deductible, but there is no co-pay after the deductible. We have a limited list of doctors, physicians, and walk-in clinics that we can choose from. Fortunately, we were able to get federal subsidy, so we save a ton of money.
My Opinion Of Our Insurance Plan
I am very thankful that we were able to get some kind of coverage for our family. I wish that we could afford to get even more medical coverage outside of Obamacare. I feel like it’s great to get the hand out money but I’m not used to getting government hand outs. It is good to finally get more coverage, as well as have more options on which doctors, hospitals, and physicians we can go to. I do truly like our health care plan because I feel that our deductible is fair and our monthly premium is not too high. The Obamacare health plans are a good value.