Category Archives: Indiana

Indiana 2023 Obamacare – Shop, Enroll, Or Renew!

Indiana: December 15th is the last day to secure your Health Insurance coverage. We are here to assist with shopping, enrolling or renewing your Health Insurance:

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Gender (required)


    Date of Birth (required)


    Zip (required)

    Email (required)

    Phone (required)

    YES! I give consent. Help me with my Marketplace Account.

    Consent Form for Assistance with Marketplace Health Insurance
    Yes, I understand by checking the agreement box I allow access to my Marketplace Account. I give my permission to Licensed and Certified FFM Agent Andrew Bennett NPN 10224328 to serve as the health insurance agent or broker for myself and my entire household, if applicable, for purposes of enrollment in a Qualified Health Plan offered on the Federally Facilitated Marketplace. By consenting to this agreement, I authorize the above-mentioned Agent to view and use the confidential information provided by me in writing, electronically, or by telephone only for the purposes of one or more of the following:
    -Searching for an existing Marketplace application
    -Completing an application for eligibility and enrollment in a Marketplace Qualified Health Plan or other government insurance affordability programs, such as Medicaid and CHIP or advance tax credits to help pay for Marketplace or State Based Exchange premiums
    -Providing ongoing account maintenance and enrollment assistance, as necessary
    -Or responding to inquiries from the Marketplace regarding my Marketplace application
    -Acting as my sole Agent of Record on the chosen insurance policy
    I understand that the Agent will not use or share my personally identifiable information (PII) for any purposes other than those listed above. The Agent will ensure that my PII is kept private and safe when collecting, storing, and using my PII for the stated purposes above.
    I confirm that the information I provide for entry on my Marketplace eligibility and enrollment application will be true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that I do not have to share additional personal information about myself or my health with my Agent beyond what is required on the application for eligibility and enrollment purposes. I also understand it is my duty to notify the agent or Marketplace / State Based Exchange if my income changes. Once an eligibility application is submitted, my stated income will be listed on the eligibility notice. If my income or tax filing changes, I understand I must contact my agent or Marketplace / State Based Exchange immediately to update the income status on my eligibility application.
    Name of Primary Writing Agent: Andrew Bennett NPN 10224328 Phone Number: 4199316514 Email Address:
    I understand that my consent remains in effect until I revoke it. I may revoke or modify my consent at any time by emailing my agent. It is my duty to notify Andrew Bennett if I decide to work with another agent. Andrew Bennett cannot be held responsible for application changes performed by another agent or policy changes that occur without his assistance.
    I understand that an annual review is advised, so the Agent can help me review potential income or tax filing changes and potential changes to plan offerings.
    Free Service: I understand there is no cost associated with utilizing the assistance of a Marketplace / State Based Exchange Agent.
    Cancellation: You are welcome to cancel your Marketplace OR State Based Exchange plan at any time by calling the number on your insurance card. Termination dates cannot be backdated.

    Indiana Health Insurance Exchange

    If you live in Indiana you can click on this calculator below to figure out your subsidy.

    If you are low income, under $230 a week, click here to see some options.Get your Indiana Health Insurance Subsidy*All assistance provided is no cost to you. Purchasing a plan through Obamacare / the Federal Exchange is not the best option for everyone. A Health Insurance Plan Comparison and Consultation will be the best way for individuals and families to find affordable Indiana health insurance and see all their options.

    NOTICE: It is important to understand the ACA eliminates medical underwriting. A person’s height and weight or pre-existing conditions do not affect one’s health insurance premium.

    IU Health Plans Leaving Health Insurance Marketplace

    IU Health PlansA letter was sent to brokers, agents, and navigators  regarding the IU Health Plans that were offered during 2016 in the state of Indiana. It is sad day as many Indiana residents will lose their ON-Exchange Marketplace / Obamacare coverage on 12/31/2016. Here are some of the Key Points:

    IU Health Plans Exit Exchange

    As an important partner with Indiana University Health Plans we’ve promised you transparency, so we want to ensure you are among the first to know about an important and unexpected change we’re making to our Marketplace strategy for 2017.

    In light of impending regulatory deadlines and continued volatility in the Marketplace, an organizational decision was made to change the IU Health Plans level of participation in Indiana’s Marketplace. Effective for 2017 coverage, we will only be offering plans off-exchange, so consumers will only be able to enroll directly through IU Health Plans website to receive coverage. This shift will allow us to re-assess Marketplace dynamics and consider federal response to competitor withdrawals.” Allie Billows

    Indiana Residents should know

    • IU Health Plans Marketplace insurance coverage will still be available in 62 counties in Indiana off-exchange
    • Bronze, silver, and gold member plans will be available
    • Consumers will not be able to enroll in IU Health Plans coverage through
    • Medicare Advantage and Commercial coverage will still be available through IU Health Plans and Medicaid coverage will be available through MDwise

    Indiana Health Insurance Plans for 2017

    The good news is that you can still get Indiana Health Insurance for 2017 through this site. Be sure to visit us between 11/01/2017 and 01/31/2016.

    PHP Indiana Exits Health Insurance Marketplace for 2017

    PHP of IndianaAnother Indiana company has decided to Not offer coverage in 2017. Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana will be exiting BOTH On and Off Exchange marketplaces for 2017. Members 2016 coverage will not be changed or affected in any way and will remain in effect until Dec. 31, 2016. Members will be notified in September of PHP’s decision advising them to contact their insurance agent or broker for 2017 health insurance options.

    Visit this Link to Shop for 2017 Indiana Health Insurance.

    PHP Indian Leaves Obamacare

    “We are disappointed that we are forced to make this difficult decision,” stated Michael Cahill, President and CEO of PHP, “but we have to keep in mind that we do have a responsibility to the community and the beneficiaries we serve, as a not for profit health insurer. We are committed to supporting our communities over the long term, yet believe that withdrawing from the market and refocusing our efforts on group insurance coverage and administrative health insurance services is a better use of PHP resources. By withdrawing from the individual market today, PHP can redirect the millions of dollars in losses we would incur and invest that money in areas with greater potential outcomes while continuing our mission with our beneficiaries who have relied on us since our founding in 1983.”

    A PHP press release states it remains extremely well capitalized and on solid financial ground. However, Three Critical Factors of the Individual Product Decision In 2016, for every premium dollar received, PHP of Indiana estimates it will pay $1.20 for medical expenses. PHP estimate this number would increase to $1.36 in 2017. This loss in premium does not begin to cover operating costs or overhead. The deficiency is attributed to three factors:

    • The Risk Adjustment Program, which was intended to move monies between health insurers based on the relative cost of the populations  attracted. It did not take many measures into account and was not designed for the commercial Indiana insurance marketplace.
    • The Risk Corridor Program, put in place to keep premiums down and make products affordable in the early years, was ultimately not funded by Congress leaving most insurers with large, unexpected medical costs.
    • Adverse selection due to certain anomalies between federal mandates and state mandates for Indiana health insurance has left some insurers, including PHP, unprotected in several areas.