Obamacare is very easy to sign up with, and you simply head over to their main site and fill out an application with all of your personal data and information. They will look at your application and determine if you qualify for a federal subsidy or not, which if you are not making a great deal of money, you are probably going to get. The way that this works in Georgia is that you will get a certain allotment, which will be taken off of a regular plan that the various health insurance companies offer. In essence, you apply with Obamacare, which will set you up in the system and award you your monthly subsidy, as well as the subsidies that are impacting on all of your medical costs.
At this point, you have the option of going through the various health insurance companies, as well as the individual policies that they offer within their systems and you pick your policy. Each month you will get a bill in the mail that shows the overall costs of the plan, minus your subsidies and you end up paying that amount. There are various coverage options that you can choose when you receive these subsidies, which all involve different amounts of coverage for things like if you need to have a surgery, or if you end up in the hospital for several days or more. This really comes down to an individual decision on your part, based on your overall health situation at the meantime and what you think it will be in the foreseeable future.
I’ve had a few plans in the past, but based on my research and advice from friends and family who also have Georgia Obamacare, I decided to go with Ambetter, where I got a very good plan that has worked out spectacularly. My subsidy was fairly large and I worked my payments out so that they are just under forty five dollars per month. Once you get your subsidy, you can click into the various health insurance companies’ pages and you will have usually three or four options for your coverage and the one I selected just happened to have the figures that I currently pay. The overall costs of going to see the doctor are anywhere from three to five dollars per month and if I have to go see a specialist, it is typically free.
I have used my coverage so far to see the doctor on more than a handful of occasions, spanning across multiple departments and perhaps the best thing about Ambetter is that they are all in one location. You can also purchase your medication at any Ambetter hospital or doctor’s office, meaning if you go in for any appointment you do not have to go to an outside pharmacy and can pick it up in the building. I pay several dollars for my medication and the pickup time is very short. Ambetter is made up of the utmost professionals and if you are looking for an Obamacare plan, you should definitely consider them.