Enrollment in Obamacare is quite simple and has generally served me well. Some of the things I like about my plan includes the fact that all you have to do is sign up on the website. In my case however, I had trouble with my password so I was able to call in and sign up with a FFM agent who was working on the phone. It is was very easy to sign up by phone and I appreciated having the personal touch in terms of getting my enrollment taken care of as quickly and efficiently as possible. Since I was a client last year, I wanted to sign into the program via the website, however, as that wasn’t possible, I was glad an agent was available.
I had a little bit of difficulty picking a plan as the Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Virginia Silver plan I signed up for last year with a low deductible was now out of my price range. I was able to find a bronze plan with Aetna with optional dental that fit though. I was pleased with this alternative.
I am a single person who relies on a few different sources of income like rent and part time jobs. I manage to make enough to get the insurance but just qualify to meet the subsidy guideline.
I signed up with Anthem on a Bronze plan with a high deductible, because they offered the most affordable insurance for my situation. I was able to get a decent subsidy since my income was low enough to qualify for one.
I have used my Obamacare plan, but I ran into a problem where my doctor’s visit wasn’t covered by my plan so I have to find out what that is all about. It should have contributed one hundred dollars toward my 139.00 bill. So, I was disappointed it didn’t.
I like my plan in general, because most of the basic doctor’s visits are covered. This is a decent insurance plan. I liked the plan I had last year which had a lower deductible but a higher co pay but as mentioned, it went up in price significantly this year so I was not something I could utilize again unfortunately.
My plan costs me nothing at this time, but it does have a rather high deductible. that is something I am not very happy with. However, the other plans as mentioned, were out of my price range.